Business Case

 Ray Collis

Procurement: The Corporation’s New Bankers!

Procurement: The Corporation’s New Bankers!

The credit crunch forced organizations to look for new ways to access funding their growth and survival.  Then enter procurement – the organisation’s new banker! Most people are worse off since the global credit crisis. There is one notable exception however. That is procurement!  Procurement has become the new organisational banker. Its role has expanded […]

 John O' Gorman

Show Me The Money! A Challenge Shared By Buyers & Sellers

Show Me The Money! A Challenge Shared By Buyers & Sellers

Numbers are increasingly a part of today’s complex sale. Yet they can be troublesome, for buyers, as well as sellers. The Problem With Your Numbers Do you ever find yourself getting confused by the numbers in a sales pitch, or ROI calculator? Well, it happens more often than you might think. Every day buyers and […]

 Ray Collis

Buyer OCD: The Obsession With Lowest Price

Buyer OCD: The Obsession With Lowest Price

More and more buyers are being diagnosed with Price OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is causing increased anxiety even frustration among salespeople. Buyer OCD is a diagnosis offered by salespeople who are witnessing first hand the ongoing buyer obsession with price and the compulsive; price checking, competitive tendering and price re-negotiation, that accompanies it. […]

 Ray Collis

Get Yourself A New Friend – An Accountant!

Get Yourself A New Friend – An Accountant!

Selling to today’s numbers-obsessed buyers requires a new dexterity with numbers. But that poses a challenge for many salespeople. Could you sit down with an accountant (or accountant-type) for 30 mins and absolutely convince him, or her about the merits of your solution? That is a key measure of the type of skill required to sell […]

 John O' Gorman

Sellers: Are You Leaving Your Buyer Naked?

Sellers: Are You Leaving Your Buyer Naked?

Many sellers are leaving their buyers naked! They are getting them excited about their solutions and then letting them go off unprepared to their senior management colleagues looking for approval. The Naked Buyer Typical sales proposals fail to provide buyers with the basic undergarments in terms of the justification required for the buying decision. That […]

 Ray Collis

Sales Maths: How Well Are You Using Numbers To Increase Your Sales?

Sales Maths: How Well Are You Using Numbers To Increase Your Sales?

Sales people have long excelled at relationship building and communication, but to be truly persuasive in the face of modern buying sellers need a new skill. That skill is maths. But just how good is your sales maths? Could using numbers help you sell more? Selling To Numbers-Obsessed Buyers Today’s buyers are more hard-nosed, results driven and […]

 John O' Gorman

Price Negotiation: The Buyer’s Broken Calculator

Price Negotiation: The Buyer’s Broken Calculator

To reduce price discounting sellers need to focus on how buyers do their maths.

 John O' Gorman

How To Make Your ROI More Buyer-Friendly

How To Make Your ROI More Buyer-Friendly

As with building skyscrapers, the temptation for sellers in building a business case is to add another floor of benefits in a bid to achieve the highest possible ROI for the buyer. However, it is important to remember that the higher the ROI, the greater the danger of the buyer simply toppling your figures. With this in mind, you need to help the buyer create a more credible business case on three levels…

 Ray Collis

Examining the Business Case – The Building Blocks

Examining the Business Case – The Building Blocks
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

The term business case can mean different things to different people. For this reason it is helpful to explain the key elements of a business case in terms of other more universally understood business planning and analysis tools. The business case combines four elements as shown in the diagram. The Building Blocks of the Business […]

 Ray Collis

Buyers Face 3 Business Case Challenges

Buyers Face 3 Business Case Challenges
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

Predicting the future is not easy, but that is exactly what the business case must attempt to do. This is particularly true in a time of market turbulence. Today’s perfect plan could be completely invalidated by a change in the competitive situation, an upset in the market or any one of a host of other […]

 Ray Collis

What Is The Business Case?

What Is The Business Case?
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

One of the most powerful realizations for sellers is that when it comes to the complex sale there are no buying decisions, only business decisions. The implication is that buying decisions which in the past focused on the what, where, when and how, are now purely concerned with the ‘why?’ Peel back the layers of […]

 Ray Collis

Salespeople Grapple With The Business Case

Salespeople Grapple With The Business Case
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

Would you be surprised to know that many large organizations require a business case for purchases of as little as €20,000? As one UK veteran salesperson told us recently, ‘I have seen more business cases in the past year than I have in the previous 19 years.’ There is more strategic business logic being applied to […]

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision