Ray Collis

Examining the Business Case – The Cost-Benefits Equation

Examining the Business Case – The Cost-Benefits Equation
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

The business case can take many forms, but at its core is one key question — why should we buy? or more to the point: How will this purchase help the organization (department/unit) succeed? The business case clearly outlines the value equation of the proposed purchase that reflects not only costs, benefits and risk, but also how […]

 Ray Collis

Examining the Business Case – Strategic Fit

Examining the Business Case – Strategic Fit
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

When the numbers of the cost-benefit equation stack up and an attractive payback is evident, even making allowance for risk and compliance, is the result a compelling business case? Perhaps not, because managers must demonstrate that the project fits with the pre-existing jig-saw of organizational priorities, goals and strategies. They must demonstrate the purchase will […]

 John O' Gorman

Business Case Mania

Business Case Mania

There Is No Getting Away From ‘The Business Case’ ‘When all you have got is a hammer everything looks like a nail’.  Well this principle clearly seems to apply to the buying decision.  There is simply no getting away from the business case when it comes to dealing with today’s buyers.  Here are just 3 […]

 John O' Gorman

Think Cost of Buying, Not Cost of Selling!

Think Cost of Buying, Not Cost of Selling!

The cost of selling to an organization is only a fraction of the cost of that organisation’s buying decision. For example where a major buying decision involves 3 competing suppliers, the time that the seller spends with the buyer has to be multiplied by 3, with the buyer allocating time to each of the suppliers […]

 John O' Gorman

Want to Build Trust? Then Minimise Buyer Risk

Want to Build Trust? Then Minimise Buyer Risk

Finding the issue of trust a little difficult to deal with? Well, look at it interms of the buyer’s risk can help. Specifically the risk of making the wrong buying decision and the consequences in terms of; embarrassment, annoyance and cost. Your concern for and efforts to reduce the buyer’s risk are probably the most effective […]

 John O' Gorman

Buyers Have Funnels Too!

Buyers Have Funnels Too!

Sales people are not the only ones who have funnels, buyers have them too!  I will let the IT Director of a large multi-national explain: ‘Last year we had 300 million worth of projects for consideration across the organisation, but only a budget of 100 million.   That meant we were faced with some very hard […]

 John O' Gorman

Think Business Case Not Sales Proposal

Think Business Case Not Sales Proposal

Would you be surprised to know that many large organizations require a business case for purchases of as little as €20,000? Probably not. As one salesperson told us recently; ‘I have seen more business cases in the past year than I have in the previous 19 years’. With budgets being squeezed in response to the […]

 Ray Collis

Are Buyers and Sellers Really on the Same Page?

Are Buyers and Sellers Really on the Same Page?

You know the song ‘you say tomato, I say tomatoe – let’s call the whole thing off!’.  Well buyers sometimes feel that way when dealing with salespeople. For example, when it comes to looking at orders and how they are won, there is a fundamental duality between vendors and buyers.  Here is why: Vendors are […]

 John O' Gorman

The Purchasing Department Re-invents Itself

The Revolution in the Purchasing Department Previously purchasing was a bureaucratic department that completed transactions and managed the associated paperwork. Now it is considered to be an integrated function, which aims to ensure professional buying skills and practices are applied to all corporate buying decisions organization-wide. How the role of purchasing has changed is summarized in […]

 John O' Gorman

The Business Case Is King!

The Business Case Is King!
This entry is part of 12 in the series Business Case

One of the key trends of concern to sellers is the rise in importance of the business case in the making of important buying decisions. The reality is that the business case is King and that means sellers must bow before it. (a) Putting the Business Decision First Major purchase decisions are first and foremost […]

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision