Added on May 9, 2013
Ray Collis
Buying Trends , Supplier Concentration , Supplier Consolidation , Supplier Proliferation

What Is The Cost Of An Extra Supplier?

The consolidation of suppliers can be seen as either an opportunity or a threat. In this insight we will calculate what a customer can save by cutting supplier numbers. These savings can be used to build a powerful argument for the customer to place more of their business with you.
Added on January 10, 2013
John O' Gorman
Aggregation Of Purchases , Buying Trends , Procurement Best Practice , SKU Consolidation , Supplier Concentration , Supplier Proliferation

How To Avoid A Supplier Cull?

The culling of suppliers continues unabated. Indeed, those organisations that have not consolidated both suppliers and SKU’s are clearly out of line with best practice. So, as a seller are you at risk and, if so, how can you avoid a supplier cull? Creeping Supplier Proliferation It is a truism that the list of suppliers […]