Ray Collis

Budget Cuts Turn Priorities On Their Head

Budget Cuts Turn Priorities On Their Head

Buyers Confront New Market Realities A long period of buoyant growth ended suddenly in 2008, resulting in a fundamental shake up of industries and economies worldwide. Thus it was that a golden age of corporate growth, confidence and ambition gave way to a period of retrenchment and uncertainty. Almost universally, organizational priorities have changed from […]

 Ray Collis

Great News! The Era of the Sales Pitch is over!

Great News! The Era of the Sales Pitch is over!

Buyers and sellers alike are breathing a sigh of relief as the era of the sales pitch comes to a end. Evidence of the decline can be seen in the growing preference for conversations over presentations as sales people seek to truly engage with potential customers. Don’t Pitch Unless Your Customer is Ready! The sales […]

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