Ray Collis

Why A Swiss Army Knife Won’t Help You Sell!

Why A Swiss Army Knife Won’t Help You Sell!

Your believe in your product means that you don’t hold back in making claims about its features and functions. However, there is a point at which that can become counter-productive. In selling to today’s more skeptical buyer it often makes sense to tell what you product won’t do too.

 Ray Collis

Get Yourself A New Friend – An Accountant!

Get Yourself A New Friend – An Accountant!

Selling to today’s numbers-obsessed buyers requires a new dexterity with numbers. But that poses a challenge for many salespeople. Could you sit down with an accountant (or accountant-type) for 30 mins and absolutely convince him, or her about the merits of your solution? That is a key measure of the type of skill required to sell […]

 Ray Collis

Great News! The Era of the Sales Pitch is over!

Great News! The Era of the Sales Pitch is over!

Buyers and sellers alike are breathing a sigh of relief as the era of the sales pitch comes to a end. Evidence of the decline can be seen in the growing preference for conversations over presentations as sales people seek to truly engage with potential customers. Don’t Pitch Unless Your Customer is Ready! The sales […]

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