Re-Energizing Your Team Around Sales Performance Measures

A powerful technique you can employ in your next sales team meeting. Do you want to focus attention on the issue of sales activity and effectiveness among your team? Well here is a very powerful exercise you can apply at your next sales team meeting. It will enable you to get a consensus […]
Sales Sabotage: When Politics and Internal Divisions Retard Sales

Is There An Enemy Within? You have often heard the saying; ‘a house divided among itself will fall’. The same is true of the sales organization. However, in too many organizations the sales effort is retarded by petty squabbles, territorial divides and personality conflicts. There are many organizations that are to some extent dysfunctional when it comes […]
Welcome To The Sales Olympics

The London Olympics have arrived. There is certain to be lots of blood, sweat and some gold too. But, with markets remaining sluggish, for many sellers re-igniting sales is proving to be a challenge of Olympic proportions. As new world records are set in London, we have turned to past and present champions for inspiration […]
Get Yourself A New Friend – An Accountant!

Selling to today’s numbers-obsessed buyers requires a new dexterity with numbers. But that poses a challenge for many salespeople. Could you sit down with an accountant (or accountant-type) for 30 mins and absolutely convince him, or her about the merits of your solution? That is a key measure of the type of skill required to sell […]