The Cost Of Bad Sales Leadership

There is an X Factor among sales teams that is over looked. It is that of leadership in the form of the sales manager. A sales manager who is a leader can transform ordinary sales people into champions; a bad one will hold everybody back. Just this week we saw a great example of this. A […]
When Sales Managers Become Micro-Managers

Contrary to what you would expect the measure of greatness of a sales manager, is not the extent to which the organization is dependent on him, or her. Rather the greatness of a sales manager is reflected in the degree to which the sales organization runs smoothly regardless of the manager’s direct involvement. Similarly, the maturity of a sales organization […]
Sales Sabotage: When Politics and Internal Divisions Retard Sales

Is There An Enemy Within? You have often heard the saying; ‘a house divided among itself will fall’. The same is true of the sales organization. However, in too many organizations the sales effort is retarded by petty squabbles, territorial divides and personality conflicts. There are many organizations that are to some extent dysfunctional when it comes […]