Added on January 15, 2013
Ray Collis
bottom line , Chief Procurement Officer , Featured , Procurement , Strategic Procurement , Strategic Selling

Few managers or departments can write their CEO a cheque for millions and promise more again next year. Procurement however is the exception. Its almost un-paralleled ability to boost the bottom line has earned it a position of influence and power. Little wonder then that procurement is the CEO’s new best friend. Strategies for Low […]
Added on August 16, 2010
Ray Collis
bottom line , dominant concept , professional buyers , salespeople

Salespeople and their Wily Ways! Buyer beware was the dominant concept for decades. No longer, the balance of power has shifted, with the seller ceding control to a more sophisticated and cynical breed of buyer. To demonstrate this point we have taken two recent books for buyers – The Vendor Management Office and The Contract Negotiation Handbook by Stephen Guth […]