Added on November 15, 2010
Ray Collis
Encompassing , level , news , quality

As a salesperson it is easy to assume that buyers are obsessed with price, or more to the point getting the lowest price. But is that really true? Is it perhaps too easy to blame our sales failures on an unreasonable buyer obsession with price? Well, let’s ask buyers and in particular public sectors buyers. […]
Added on August 16, 2010
John O' Gorman
implementation , level , note , technology , unpredictability

Organisations are increasingly organized, structured and careful in terms of how they buy. As salespeople we know this to be true. Yet, it is easy to underestimate just how sophisticated many buyers have become. Let us take the example of the buying process for major IT purchases in a large telco (as shown in the […]
Added on July 21, 2010
Ray Collis
job , level , personal dimension , risky times , success

Buyers want to know is ‘will your products and services get me promoted, or demoted?’