9 Habits of Highly Successful Key Account Managers
Habit 7: Navigate
How buying decisions are made within key accounts has changed dramatically. Buying decisions once ad-hoc and unstructured have become process driven, with little discretion left to the manager or end user. There are steps and procedures to be followed, buying committees to be engaged and decisions must be justifiably sanctioned.
Today’s highly Successful Key Account Managers are attuned to how their customers buy – their customers processes. They want to know how many step there are in the customer’s buying process and the step that he, or she is presently at. In addition they want to know who is involved in the decision, if there is a budget allocated and what is required to get the decision sanctioned internally.
KAM Strategies have to keep pace with the procurement and supply chain strategies of its customers. That includes the increasingly sophisticated and centre-led nature of procurement and strategies such as global sourcing, supplier consolidation and competitive tendering. The objective for the account manager is to avoid being taken off guard by these changes.
So, let’s examine the 8th habit: Justify.
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