Added on October 11, 2012
John O' Gorman
Buyer Types , Buying Decisions , Emotion In Selling , Emotional Buyers , Modern Buying , Tailoring The Sales Approach

The Most Dangerous False Assumption In Selling!

The Importance Of Knowing The 3 Types Of Buyers & Tailoring Your Sales Approach Accordingly There is an erroneous assumption about how buyers buy that is surprisingly common in selling. It is a major impediment to success for those holding it. Yet they seem blissfully unaware of their error. Here we will test to make sure […]
Added on October 3, 2010
John O' Gorman
Buyer Personalities , Buyer Personas , Buyer Types , decision makers , waste time

Buyer Types – Just how much can you tell from a limp handshake?

Sellers have long been advised to adopt their sales approach to reflect the personality type of the buyer. But just how much can you tell from a limp handshake? Well if you put a lot of store in buyer personality types perhaps a lot! We are going to examine the four basic personality types in a moment, […]