Added on June 26, 2012
John O' Gorman
Ask for the order , Buying Process , Closing , Prequalification , Sales Presentation

A Better Way Of Asking For The Order

Some sellers display a surprising reluctance to ask for the order. Others are not so shy, but ask for the order in a way that can put the buyer off. In this article we examine the best way of asking for the order. The Trouble With Closing Closing techniques from the ‘always be closing’ school […]
Added on August 6, 2010
Ray Collis
business drivers , Closing , decision makers , salespeople , solution selection

10 Questions That Reveal What You Must Do To Win The Sale

The professional salesperson is a student of buying. This is particularly important at a time when buying decisions have become increasingly complex. The success of a deal depends on understanding now only how the buying decision will be made, but also the business decision that so often underlies it. With this in mind we have put […]