John O' Gorman

The Ultimate Test of The Sales Pro: Helping Buyers To Buy

The Ultimate Test of The Sales Pro:  Helping Buyers To Buy

‘Helping the buyer to buy’ may sound soft, compared to pitching, persuading and closing for example. However, the reality couldn’t be more different.

 John O' Gorman

Buyers Think Lean, But Can You Sell Lean?

Buyers Think Lean, But Can You Sell Lean?

We met with some pharma buyers around a barbeque recently.  Although the food was rich, the talk was of lean.  Lean manufacturing, lean distribution, lean marketing and of course lean buying! Naturally ‘lean’ is a word that appeals to buyers, more than sellers.  That is because rather than spending more it means: Doing more for […]

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision