Added on November 25, 2013
Ray Collis
Account Management , Global Key Account Management , KAM , Key Account Management , Procurement Trends , Strategic Supplier

We wanted to understand the challenges they faced, the techniques they used and what they saw as the future of KAM. The results are a vivid portrait of what it takes to be successful in Key Account Management.
Added on February 17, 2013
Ray Collis
Buying Knowledge , Buying Process , Buying Quiz , Buying Trends , Procurement Trends

How well do you understand the key trends in buying? That is the trends that are changing how your customers buy. Take a short quiz to find out.
Added on December 28, 2012
Ray Collis
Procurement Trends , Selling To Procurement , Trends In Buying

We are confidently predicting that 2013 will be a great year for those on the opposite side of the table – the procurement team. Indeed it may be their best year yet. That is clearly good news for buyers, but it presents opportunities for sellers too.