Traditional Sales Skills Can Be Part of The Problem, Not The Solution

If you are still focused on selling skills, then you are missing the bigger picture. That is because the role of traditional selling skills in sales success has been sidelined. A great number of them are outdated and outmoded. Indeed if you listen to your prospects, they may be the problem, rather than the solution. […]
Buyers: Treat salespeople As you would expect to be treated

Applying the Golden Rule to Sales What goes around goes around. So treat salespeople as you expect to be treated. Call it good karma, good manners or simply The Golden Rule. Almost everybody in business will have to make a sales call at some time, or other. When they do they hope to be treated […]
Sellers Are from Mars and Buyers Are from Venus, Right?

We are continually moving between the buyer and seller side of the table in order to understand the requirements of both sides as they evolve. Indeed, a constant theme of our presentations, talks and articles, is the great irony that sales success requires a greater focus on the buying, as opposed to the selling. After […]
Ask Fewer Questions In Your First Meetings

Question With Care! Salespeople have been told to talk less and listen more. In this way they can gain a better understanding of the needs of their customers and prospects. That means salespeople are arming themselves with more and better questions aimed at qualifying the prospect, understanding his needs, eliciting information regarding the buying process, […]