Why Buyers Buy View all

Misreading The Buyer’s Motivation

Misreading The Buyer’s Motivation

Many sellers underestimate the buying decision. They fail to see that it is underpinned by a more complex business decision. As a result the most powerful sales technique – the business case - is all too often overlooked.…

Strategies For Identifying Hidden Requirements

Strategies For Identifying Hidden Requirements

Strategies you can employ to powerfully connect with the buyer's hidden agenda. That is the 'un-written' buyer requirements and their more fundamental underlying motivations that can make the difference between sales success and failure.…

How Well Are You Selling Change?

How Well Are You Selling Change?

Your customer's fear of change could lengthen the sales cycle and maybe even jeopardize the sale. However, if handled correctly it can be an ally in winning the sale.…

The Customer’s Hidden Agenda

The Customer’s Hidden Agenda

What if your needs analysis is only scraping the surface? It may be effective in capturing a detailed list of product requirements and functional specifications, but that is not enough. Too often the buyer's more fundamental underlying needs and motivations remain hidden.…

Selling To Procurement View all

15 Megatrends In Buying

15 Megatrends In Buying

You don’t need to be taken by surprise – that is because it is relatively easy to predict changes in how your customers buy.   The Rising Tide of…

Taking Hospital Procurement To The Emergency Room

Buyer Psychology View all

Buying Process View all

Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Don't get paralyzed by the buyer's process. Don't let it stop you selling. Even if your selling is limited to submitting a tender response, with little interaction with the buyer in advance, don't cast aside the basics of either solution selling or relationship selling.…

Help The Buyer To Buy View all

The Importance Of Offering Options In Your Sales Proposals

The Importance Of Offering Options In Your Sales Proposals

Choice is good. That is a fundamental principle of western economics. However research now suggests that the choices contained within your sales proposals and quotations can have an important role in determining success.…

Who Makes The Decision View all

Why Decentralized Buying Is Dead!

Why Decentralized Buying Is Dead!

Why You’re Increasingly Talking To Head Office Sellers are increasingly being deferred to head office in their…

B2C Buying View all

What ‘How You Buy’ Reveals About Modern Buying

What ‘How You Buy’ Reveals About Modern Buying

How we buy at home, says a lot about how we should sell at work. The way…

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision