Want Your Customers To Spend More? Then don’t do this!

The actions of two major European retailers demonstrate two alternative strategies for up-selling, or getting customers to spend more.
Are You Only The Tip Of The Iceberg?

When it comes to the customer’s costs, your price may only be the tip of the iceberg. That is important if you are selling a quality solution and want to avoid being hammered on price. By making your customer aware of The Iceberg Principle you can move the conversation off price and onto value.
Is There Pressure On Your Buyer’s Numbers?

‘What is the pressure on your buyer’s numbers?’ As a salesperson that is an important question for you to ask.
Where Have All The Savings Gone? Buyer Leakages As Sales Opportunities

Procurement is under pressure to continually cut costs. However a high level of leakage makes delivering fully on promised savings a challenge. That presents the seller with a number of opportunities.
How Good Procurement Improves The Balance Sheet

Procurement wins friends because it can deliver additional profit to the bottom line, but that is not enough. To satisfy investors procurement goes one step further. This is important for sellers to understand, it can help transform a sales proposal into a compelling business proposal. Why Investors Love Procurement To understand the full impact of […]
Procurement: The Corporation’s New Bankers!

The credit crunch forced organizations to look for new ways to access funding their growth and survival. Then enter procurement – the organisation’s new banker! Most people are worse off since the global credit crisis. There is one notable exception however. That is procurement! Procurement has become the new organisational banker. Its role has expanded […]
Show Me The Money! A Challenge Shared By Buyers & Sellers

Numbers are increasingly a part of today’s complex sale. Yet they can be troublesome, for buyers, as well as sellers. The Problem With Your Numbers Do you ever find yourself getting confused by the numbers in a sales pitch, or ROI calculator? Well, it happens more often than you might think. Every day buyers and […]
Get Yourself A New Friend – An Accountant!

Selling to today’s numbers-obsessed buyers requires a new dexterity with numbers. But that poses a challenge for many salespeople. Could you sit down with an accountant (or accountant-type) for 30 mins and absolutely convince him, or her about the merits of your solution? That is a key measure of the type of skill required to sell […]