Added on August 8, 2013
Ray Collis
Buyer Psychology , change , Customer Adoption , fear , Fear of Change , Sales Skills , Sales Success

Your customer’s fear of change could lengthen the sales cycle and maybe even jeopardize the sale. However, if handled correctly it can be an ally in winning the sale.
Added on June 2, 2013
John O' Gorman
Business Case , Buying Decision , Sales Pitch , Sales Presentation , Sales Proposal , Sales Skills , Sales Techniques , Value Equation

Communicating your value to today’s hard-nosed buyers can be a real challenge. You know that your marketing literature won’t do it. You know that your sales pitches and proposals must. Price Versus Value Many buyers have an almost single-minded obsession with price. That makes moving the conversation off price and onto value the seller’s priority. But […]
Added on September 5, 2012
John O' Gorman
Deal Closing , Sales Management , Sales Process , Sales Skills , Stalled Deals

How do you cope when faced with complexity and constant change in respect of winning the deal? Well, a new book has been published that recommends you do what the world’s best leaders and teams do – adapt and improvise! Why Buying Can Be Messy We all know that buying can be messy. Buyers don’t always […]
Added on August 8, 2010
John O' Gorman
Buyer Insights , Buyer Requirements , Relationship Selling , Sales Cycles , Sales Meetings , Sales Priorities , Sales Skills , The Buying Revolution , Top 10 , Trust Based Selling

Wouldn’t your job be a lot easier if your customers and prospects saw you as a trusted advisor, rather than a salesperson? Well if the answer is ‘yes’ then ‘Trust-Based Selling by Charles H. Green’s is a must read. Do Buyers Trust Salespeople? The reality is that the words ‘sales’ and ‘trust’ are rarely used […]
Added on August 6, 2010
John O' Gorman
Business Case , Buyer Insights , Buyer Risk , Sales Cycles , Sales Skills , The Buying Revolution

Finding the issue of trust a little difficult to deal with? Well, look at it interms of the buyer’s risk can help. Specifically the risk of making the wrong buying decision and the consequences in terms of; embarrassment, annoyance and cost. Your concern for and efforts to reduce the buyer’s risk are probably the most effective […]