Selling To Teams: Lessons From Sport

Some organizations don’t do team work very well. That is a problem in the context of collaborative buying decisions, cross functional buying committees and internal approvals procedures. Some organizations are a dream to sell to, while others are a nightmare. The individuals involved may be nice to deal with, organized and professional. However when it comes to […]
Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Don’t get paralyzed by the buyer’s process. Don’t let it stop you selling. Even if your selling is limited to submitting a tender response, with little interaction with the buyer in advance, don’t cast aside the basics of either solution selling or relationship selling.
Sales Hopscotch: Turning Buying Process To Your Advantage

Buying has become increasing structured and process-driven. The steps in the buyer’s process therefore have a major bearing on the speed and indeed the success of the sale.
But adopting a less rigid view of buying process is important if the salesperson is to do his, or her job well. It requires adopting a non-linear view of the sales process, or what we like to call sales hopscotch.
Is Relationship Selling Under Attack?

Relationships are an essential ingredient of successful selling. But will your relationship survive a change in the customers strategy, increasing budgetary pressures or the involvement of procurement? In this insight we examine the challenges to relationship selling and how they can be met.
How To Sell To Cold & Reserved Buyers

Increasingly salespeople are reporting the demise of small talk and other social niceties in the buyer encounter. But, what does it mean for your relationship selling strategy?
From Sales Person to Trusted Advisor – Making The Transition

Wouldn’t your job be a lot easier if your customers and prospects saw you as a trusted advisor, rather than a salesperson? Well if the answer is ‘yes’ then ‘Trust-Based Selling by Charles H. Green’s is a must read. Do Buyers Trust Salespeople? The reality is that the words ‘sales’ and ‘trust’ are rarely used […]