Added on September 10, 2015
Ray Collis
Needs Analysis , Solution Selling

What are the principles of world-beating solution selling? Well, here communicate them using a rich metaphor – one that you won’t easily forget. It is Jefferson’s Octopus In A Wheelbarrow! Jefferson Thomas Jefferson, was a founding father, lead author of the Declaration of Independence and 3rd President of the United States of America. […]
Added on October 16, 2014
Ray Collis
Buyer Insights , Buying Process , Consultative Selling , iPad , Los Angeles iPad Scandal , Pre-tender Consultation with Suppliers , Procurement , Ray Collis , salespeople , Solution Selling , Tender , The Asg Group

The much publicized failure of one of the world’s largest iPad contract represents another ‘nail in the coffin’ of Solution Selling You have heard people say that Solution Selling is dead. But what you probably don’t realize is that the iPad may be hastening its demise. More specifically the much publicized failure […]
Added on July 1, 2013
Ray Collis
bureaucratic buying , Buying Process , Featured , Relationship Selling , Sales Proposal , Sales Success , Solution Selling

Don’t get paralyzed by the buyer’s process. Don’t let it stop you selling. Even if your selling is limited to submitting a tender response, with little interaction with the buyer in advance, don’t cast aside the basics of either solution selling or relationship selling.
Added on June 28, 2013
Ray Collis
Buying Process , Competitive Tender , Featured , Needs Analysis , Relationship Selling , Sales Hopscotch , Sales Process , Sales Success , Solution Definition , Solution Selling , Strategic Selling

Buying has become increasing structured and process-driven. The steps in the buyer’s process therefore have a major bearing on the speed and indeed the success of the sale.
But adopting a less rigid view of buying process is important if the salesperson is to do his, or her job well. It requires adopting a non-linear view of the sales process, or what we like to call sales hopscotch.
Added on May 23, 2013
Ray Collis
Buyer Psychology , Buying Process , Nudge , Nurturing , risk , Short Term Benefits , Social Comparison , Solution Selling , Using Psychology To Sell

More information is simply not enough to get the buyer to across the line – we all know that. If it was then we would write longer proposals and provide more detailed product sheets. In this insight we will use the latest buyer psychology to examine how to nudge the buyer towards a decision.
Added on May 11, 2013
John O' Gorman
Business Case , Buying Decision , Buying Logic , Buying Process , logical argument , Sales Process , Sales Proposal , sales skill , Solution Selling

How do you build a logical argument for the purchase of your product or solution? One that can beat the competition, secure the budget and win the deal? As we will examine in this insight the formula is clear.
Added on May 3, 2013
John O' Gorman
Challenger Sales , Changes in Buying , Rain Group , Sales Methodologies , Sales Process , Solution Selling

Selling has entered a new more dynamic era. New methodologies are challenging old methodologies with increased levels of research and innovation among sales consulting and training organizations around the world.
Added on August 13, 2012
John O' Gorman
Sales Methodology , Sales Trends , Solution Selling

Buyers still need solutions right? Well, of course they do. Indeed, they want better solutions than ever before and they want a better price too! The only problem is that they don’t necessarily need or want the sales and marketing that goes with them. This paradox is at the centre of a new controversy in […]