Added on October 16, 2014
Ray Collis
Buyer Insights , Buying Process , Consultative Selling , iPad , Los Angeles iPad Scandal , Pre-tender Consultation with Suppliers , Procurement , Ray Collis , salespeople , Solution Selling , Tender , The Asg Group

The much publicized failure of one of the world’s largest iPad contract represents another ‘nail in the coffin’ of Solution Selling You have heard people say that Solution Selling is dead. But what you probably don’t realize is that the iPad may be hastening its demise. More specifically the much publicized failure […]
Added on September 22, 2014
Ray Collis
Buyer Journey , Buyer Research , Buying Decision , Buying Process , Ray Collis , Sales Closing Skills , Sales Performance , Sales Tips , The Asg Group

Buying decisions are often a lot more complex than sellers realize. They can involve up to 5 stages – many of which do not involve the salesperson. That has real implications for getting the deal across the line.
Added on May 6, 2014
John O' Gorman
Buyer Research , Insights Selling , John Doerr , Mike Schultz , Sales Insights , The Asg Group , The Rain Group

‘Insights Selling’ Could Triple Your Sales Success Says New Book
Are Sellers Adding Value? Most buyers say ‘NO.’ The results of research with buyers shows that interactions with salespeople are falling short of what is expected. In particular they are failing to offer new ideas and insights that really help the customer to buy. A new book by the Rain Group (called Insight […]