Selling To Teams: Lessons From Sport

Some organizations don’t do team work very well. That is a problem in the context of collaborative buying decisions, cross functional buying committees and internal approvals procedures. Some organizations are a dream to sell to, while others are a nightmare. The individuals involved may be nice to deal with, organized and professional. However when it comes to […]
Why BANT Is Not Enough!

The VP of Sales had just taken to the stage. With his opening remark my jaw dropped. ‘BANT is no longer enough’ he proclaimed.
Can You See Your Deals In 3D?

A new framework provides you with a 3D view of even the most complex deal. That means you can maximize your chances of sales success. Suffering From Deal Complexity? Getting to grips with the complexity of modern buying is one of the key challenges facing sales teams at this time. It is key to addressing […]
Are You Selling Like A Scientist?

Recent scientific discoveries and how they were communicated to the world can provide lessons on how to sell. So, are you selling like a scientist and might it be limiting your sales success? We waited with anticipation, like so many millions, for the announcement of one of the greatest discoveries of this century (perhaps any century). A […]
Sellers: Beware The Maverick Buyer!

Maverick buying has been all but outlawed in most organizations, even for relatively small or routine purchases. Managers today know that, if they want to spend their company’s money, they are going to have to play by the rules…
Your Sales Team Should Resemble The United Nations

“It was like The United Nations”, observed the sales director in describing the makeup of the sales team that had just arrived from his company’s consortium partner. Planning for preparing the multimillion-dollar bid was in full swing now that the team from the lead contractor in the consortium (a Fortune 1000 company) had arrived in its subsidiary partner’s boardroom…
The Buying Team – Redrawing The Atlas Of Buying

Once upon a time a question like “who makes the buying decision?” was easy to answer; one or two names were typically sufficient to describe where the power lay. But this is no longer the case, and nowadays sellers almost need a map of organizational buying to reflect all those who make and shape the buying decision…
Buying Is Now A Team Sport

The modern buyer is a team, not an individual. Indeed, as the example shown earlier suggests, the roll call of all those involved in the buying decision is a veritable ‘who’s who’ of the organization. The excerpt below highlights the number of levels involved in the buying decision, the seniority of the decision makers as […]
Selling To The New Buyers

When it comes to major buying decisions, managers are pulling rank. Senior managers are not just rubber-stamping buying decisions. They are taking an active role to ensure all major purchases underpin organizational goals, priorities and strategies. When Buyers Pull Rank All this means the job titles of those involved in making today’s major buying decisions […]