Sellers Beware: The Procurement Gap

There is often a gap between how the buying decision should be made and how it is actually going to be made. That is between the buyers internal procedures, or external view of buying best practice and the everyday reality of rushed, or messy decisions. We call it the Procurement Gap. Helping the buyer to […]
It’s Official: Procrastination Is Good For Buying!

Sellers battle procrastinating buyers every day in the hope of meeting this quarter’s target. But as a new book reveals there is a good reason for buyers to want to delay a decision. It is a classic case of buyer as a tortoise and seller as a hare. Selling To The Procrastinating Buyer Understandably sellers […]
Sales Limbo: Are You Still Waiting For The P.O.?

Sellers are rightly reluctant to celebrate the winning of a deal until all the paperwork has been received, but it can be very slow in coming. Indeed, waiting for the P.O. is the equivalent of Sales Limbo. There was a time when the signing of the deal was the culmination of all the seller’s […]
It Is Time To Play By The Buyer’s Rules

There are many things about modern buying that frustrate, even annoy, salespeople. But top of the list is buying rules and procedures. But this frustration is futile, even counter-productive. As this article shows sellers should stop resisting the inevitable and learn to play by the rules. Complaining About The Rules? Sellers regularly complain […]
Fortress Buying – Why Won’t Buyers Let You In?

More and more professional buyers are adopting a ‘fortress mindset’ in their approach to dealing with sellers. In short, they have erected defenses that are designed to keep sellers at bay. In this article, we examine how you can encourage buyers to lower their defenses…
Tips On Selling To The Bureaucratic Buyer

If buying is becoming more bureaucratic, then what are the implications of this for sellers? We asked sellers to share their tips on how to sell more successfully to bureaucratic buyers…
Sellers Make Dangerous Assumptions About Buying

As more salespeople are learning to their cost, assumptions about how the buying decision is going to be made can be dangerous.
Should You Ask ‘What Is Your Buying Process?’

Typically, salespeople wonder if asking ‘what is your buying process?’ is a question that will either startle, or draw a blank stare from the buyer.
There May Be Flexibility In Even The Most Rigid Buying Process

As salespeople it is easy to assume that buyers have become more machine-like in their approach to buying and that means they overlook opportunities to engage with buyers to the full extent possible.
Oh, that buying was so simple!!

The 5 steps model of buying is a one dimensional picture of buying can catch the salesperson off his, or her guard.
Examining The Actions Of The Buying Process

So, we have examined the key steps of the buying process. But, within each step, how much discretion remains in the hands of the manager-buyer? Is the buying process a flexible blueprint or a rigid rulebook? The Fortune 1000 buying process we have highlighted is highly prescriptive, something that is increasingly common. It clearly mandates what […]
A Step-By-Step Progression Through The Buying Process

Each progressive step brings the purchase one step closer to reality, with the commitment being made gradually over many months. Thus, the purchase decision is not simply a matter of one big YES or NO decision. Rather it is the culmination of a series of YES or NO decisions at each stage of the buying […]