Strategies For Identifying Hidden Requirements
Strategies you can employ to powerfully connect with the buyer’s hidden agenda. That is the ‘un-written’ buyer requirements and their more fundamental underlying motivations that can make the difference between sales success and failure.
The Top 10 Most Revealing Deal Questions
Imagine you are asked as a sales manager to evaluate a key deal. How many pieces of information would you need in order to assess the likelihood of the deal closing as forecast?
Understanding Buyer Psychology
Buying decisions are generally more complex than they may at first appear. We look behind the buyer’s stated rationale for the decision and to uncover the psychology that is often hidden.
Examining the Business Case – The Cost-Benefits Equation
The business case can take many forms, but at its core is one key question — why should we buy? or more to the point: How will this purchase help the organization (department/unit) succeed? The business case clearly outlines the value equation of the proposed purchase that reflects not only costs, benefits and risk, but also how […]
Examining the Business Case – Considerations Of Risk
The business case requires much more than a cost-benefit analysis — that is too simplistic for complex business decisions. For example, a more in-depth analysis would highlight that while the payback from project A might be twice that of project B, this benefit may be negated when higher levels of risk are considered. Managers are […]
Examining the Business Case – The Political Dimension
A business case is an economic argument for investing in a project or purchase. However, it is not purely economic, but also political. In this context the successful business case will involve a process of extensive involvement with stakeholders and will be written, or at least reviewed, by cross-functional committees. This is essential to creating […]
Buying Logic Examined
Clearly one of the key trends in respect of organizational buying is the movement towards the application of business logic to buying decisions. It is clear that features and benefits will not swing the big sale, forcing the seller to address the key economic, strategic and political issues if the purchase is to be […]
Salespeople Grapple With The Business Case
Would you be surprised to know that many large organizations require a business case for purchases of as little as €20,000? As one UK veteran salesperson told us recently, ‘I have seen more business cases in the past year than I have in the previous 19 years.’ There is more strategic business logic being applied to […]
The Role Of The Business Case
Why is the business case so important? Well, the key reasons the business case is now at the center of major buying decisions are listed below. 1. Drives business success: It ensures any projects, purchases or investments enable the organization to achieve its objectives. 2. Allocates scarce resources to maximum effect to get the best […]