John O' Gorman

Buyers Are Taking ‘Baby Steps’

Buyers Are Taking ‘Baby Steps’

In an effort to minimize risk buyers are taking smaller steps as they progress towards major buying decisions.

 John O' Gorman

Will You Pass The Buying Knowledge Test?

Will You Pass The Buying Knowledge Test?

A recent poll of sellers shows that most are failing in terms of their knowledge of how customers buy. So, how good is your buying knowledge?

 John O' Gorman

Selling Higher – Are You Ready to Climb?

Selling Higher – Are You Ready to Climb?

The fact that decisions are being made at a higher level requires a totally different approach to selling.  It can present many challenges for the salesperson, including access.  Indeed, our experience of dozens of United Kingdom sales campaigns suggests it is 50% more difficult to access C level (CEO, CFO, or CTO) executives in major […]

 Ray Collis

From ‘Buyer Beware’ to ‘Seller Beware!’

From ‘Buyer Beware’ to ‘Seller Beware!’

Seller Beware! Caveat Emptor, or buyer beware was the dominant concept for decades.  No longer, the balance of power has shifted, with the seller reluctantly ceding control to a more sophisticated and cynical breed of buyer.  Today it is the seller who must beware! The seller is no longer ‘the ringmaster’ of the sale, often being […]

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision