Added on April 2, 2013
John O' Gorman
Buying Process , Demand Management , Featured , Procure To Pay , Procurement Costs , Spend Analysis , value

Staple Yourself To Their Order

Are there opportunities to optimize how your customers interact with your solution from the moment of purchase to the point of payment? To find out ‘staple yourself to the order’.
Added on November 15, 2010
Ray Collis
buyer , Communicate , customer stories , information , message , subject matter experts , time , Turn , value

How To Turn Buyer ON!

The inside track as to what pricks their interest. Specifically we asked them what turns buyers ON, or to that matter what turns them OFF!
Added on April 14, 2010
John O' Gorman
case , salespeople , sell higher , value

Selling Higher – Are You Ready to Climb?

The fact that decisions are being made at a higher level requires a totally different approach to selling. It can present many challenges for the salesperson, including access. Indeed, our experience of dozens of United Kingdom sales campaigns suggests it is 50% more difficult to access C level (CEO, CFO, or CTO) executives in major […]