Ray Collis

9 New Ways To Nudge Your Customer To Buy

9 New Ways To Nudge Your Customer To Buy

More information is simply not enough to get the buyer to across the line – we all know that. If it was then we would write longer proposals and provide more detailed product sheets. In this insight we will use the latest buyer psychology to examine how to nudge the buyer towards a decision.

 Ray Collis

Bringing Buyer Risk Into The Open

 John O' Gorman

Sellers Look Out for Buyer Cold Feet

Sellers Look Out for Buyer Cold Feet

Sales people are increasingly learning that there is no such thing as a ‘sure thing’ sale. That is because as the sale approaches the buyer can get ‘cold feet’ and the salesperson may be the last person to know about it. For example, the salesperson’s proposal, presentation and price beats the competition, but somebody on the […]

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision