Added on November 9, 2010
Ray Collis
bureaucracy , proposal , salesperson , sandwich

You can see the finishing line, and your sponsor is telling you they are ready to buy. So, it is that the many months of groundwork seem ready to pay off. You had allowed (in your costings) for the discount that has been agreed and negotiation around terms has thankfully left your original proposal relatively […]
Added on October 2, 2010
John O' Gorman
Demand Generation , Market Analysis , salesperson , Searching for Suppliers , The Shortlist

The patterns buyers use to search for solutions is of vital concern to salespeople. However, for too many salespeople buyers are searching in the wrong places!
Added on August 16, 2010
John O' Gorman
decisions , oversight , rigor , Sales Cycle , salesperson

There is a word we find ourselves using more and more in respect of managing sales cycles and that seems to keep coming up again in reviewing pipeline opportunities and accounts. That is COMPLICATING FACTORS. When it comes to the complex sale, things are never straightforward. There are certain to be complicating factors. Understanding what […]
Added on June 20, 2010
Ray Collis
Asking Questions , Listening , Prequalification , Sales Meetings , salesperson

In the present environment, salespeople are delighted with the opportunity to meet with anybody who expresses an interest. But, what exactly is the purpose of that first meeting and how to maximise its success? For example, how speedily can you qualify the opportunity? To help you we have pulled some of the key points from […]
Added on April 14, 2010
John O' Gorman
challenge , information , meeting , salesperson , take

(a) Buyers Are ‘Doing It For Themselves!’ Buyers are increasingly self-contained. They like to be in control and to stay in control. That means they start to elicit the requirements, build the business case and define the solution well in advance of meeting vendors. Buyers know that they have the power in a market where […]
Added on April 14, 2010
Ray Collis
experiences , profession , salesperson , value statements , vendor sales

(a) ‘Sales Weary’ Buyers Buyers are more skeptical of vendor sales; people, processes and promises than ever before. They don’t trust easily, or forget quickly- and with good reason. Buyers are increasingly ‘sales-weary’, so sellers take great care! (b) The Sins of Past Sales People Here is a simple reality that we as sellers need […]
Added on April 14, 2010
John O' Gorman
budgets , business decisions , implementation , salesperson , sophisticated projects

Much of traditional selling is based on the premise that the seller knows more than the buyer. Well, this assumption is increasingly being proven to be false. Today’s buyer is more skilled and experienced than ever before and that presents the salesperson with both opportunities and challenges. (a) Complex Decisions Require Skilled Managers Managers are […]