Added on April 14, 2010
Ray Collis
case , ringmaster , role , Today

From ‘Buyer Beware’ to ‘Seller Beware!’

Seller Beware! Caveat Emptor, or buyer beware was the dominant concept for decades. No longer, the balance of power has shifted, with the seller reluctantly ceding control to a more sophisticated and cynical breed of buyer. Today it is the seller who must beware! The seller is no longer ‘the ringmaster’ of the sale, often being […]
Added on April 14, 2010
John O' Gorman
elicit , Manager , respect , Today

9 Ways Buying Has Been Transformed

In what amounts to a revolution, the buying decisions are being transformed in 9 different ways: 1. Budgets are Being Slashed Budgets have been slashed, with major projects and purchases scaled back, scrapped, or stalled. 2. Managers Are Being Straight-jacketed Manager autonomy and discretion with respect to purchase decisions and supplier selection has been greatly […]