Added on July 18, 2011
Ray Collis

In the wake of the publication of its Green Paper on the future of Public Procurement the EU Commission has received a flood of calls for the simplification of public buying. Here is a summary of the most requested changes. 1. There is widespread support for greater flexibility and simplification of EU procurement rules. […]
Added on July 18, 2011
Ray Collis

What are the implications of proposed changes to EU procurement policy for your sales success? In this the first of two articles we will look at those proposals that could help you sell more to the public sector. Early in 2011 the EU Commission published a green paper on the modernisation of EU public procurement […]
Added on June 18, 2011
Ray Collis

What are the implications of proposed changes to EU procurement policy for your sales success? In the first article we looked at proposals that could help you sell more, in this article we will look at those proposals that could hinder you selling more to the public sector. When it comes to the proposals […]
Added on June 18, 2011
John O' Gorman

A detailed review of Public Procurement across the EU has determined that the often criticised rules on procurement are actually good for you. According to a new report that is true regardless of whether you are a seller, or a buyer! The headline message is that EU public procurement generates annual savings of approx. 5% […]
Added on March 14, 2011
Ray Collis
bureaucratic buying

Recent remarks made by The UK Prime Minister show that the debate around public procurement has become something of a political hot potato…
Added on November 16, 2010
John O' Gorman
Goods , purchase , simplicity , support , volume

It may surprise you to know that a significant volume of large purchasing in the public sector does not go to competitive tender. Here is why.
Added on October 6, 2010
John O' Gorman
intensive level , Irish , mitigating factors , review , Tender

We are learning a lot more everyday about the reality of public buying. That is thanks to a new and intensive level of scrutiny both from within and without the public sector. Naturally enough it is the horror stories that get the headlines. However there is a lot to be learned by looking behind the […]
Added on September 27, 2010
Ray Collis
auditors report , Buying Challenges , Buying Errors , Complex Buying Rules , European Court of Auditors

The EU Commission spends approximately €120 billion annually. Yet, its auditors report ‘material errors’ in respect of categories amounting to 53% of that expenditure.
Added on August 16, 2010
Ray Collis
best possible deal , competitive marketplace , desire , RFPs , swine

RFX Mania Takes Hold As concern about the spread of Swine Flue mounts, buyers and sellers are being afflicted by their very own pandemic – that of the RFP (Request for Proposal). How serious is the pandemic? Well, it is demonstrated by the fact that 63 companies recently responded to two public sector tenders valued […]
Added on June 22, 2010
John O' Gorman
economy , tightrope , uk government , woe

Spare a thought for the many salesmen and women who are watching helplessly as anticipated commission cheques and purchase orders vanish as the new UK government reigns in public spending to the amount of a reported 10.5 billion of projects announced in the dying days of the outgoing administration. The cutbacks detailed in The Guardian […]
Added on June 9, 2010
Ray Collis
concentration , cross border , facebook , public contracts , realization

The world of public procurement is about to be rocked by a little publicized initiative that threatens to be bigger than Facebook or Twitter. It could change the future of buying full stop!
Added on June 9, 2010
John O' Gorman
environment food , government department , government spending , new era , uk public sector

The new UK Government has implemented a policy of openness regarding how the tax payer’s money is spent. But, what are the implications for sellers?