John O' Gorman

Buyers Redefine Selling

Buyers Redefine Selling

It is well worth taking a few minutes to check that your view of selling is the same as that of the buyer.
You may well be surprised to find that it is not!

 John O' Gorman

Business Case Mania

Business Case Mania

There Is No Getting Away From ‘The Business Case’ ‘When all you have got is a hammer everything looks like a nail’.  Well this principle clearly seems to apply to the buying decision.  There is simply no getting away from the business case when it comes to dealing with today’s buyers.  Here are just 3 […]

 John O' Gorman

Buyer Types – Just how much can you tell from a limp handshake?

Buyer Types – Just how much can you tell from a limp handshake?

Sellers have long been advised to adopt their sales approach to reflect the personality type of the buyer.  But just how much can you tell from a limp handshake?  Well if you put a lot of  store in buyer personality types perhaps a lot! We are going to examine the four basic personality types in a moment, […]

 John O' Gorman

Where Are Buyer Searching For Suppliers?

Where Are Buyer Searching For Suppliers?

The patterns buyers use to search for solutions is of vital concern to salespeople. However, for too many salespeople buyers are searching in the wrong places!

 John O' Gorman

Remember Buyers Can See in 3D!

Remember Buyers Can See in 3D!

Too many salespeople limit their success by adopting a myopic view of how their solutions will be employed by customers.  In particular they fail to consider all those ingredients –particularly people and process – that are required to ensure their customer’s success. The Custmer Sees in 3 Dimensions: The customer has a problem, which as […]

 John O' Gorman

Buyers: Treat salespeople As you would expect to be treated

Buyers: Treat salespeople As you would expect to be treated

Applying the Golden Rule to Sales What goes around goes around. So treat salespeople as you expect to be treated. Call it good karma, good manners or simply The Golden Rule. Almost everybody in business will have to make a sales call at some time, or other. When they do they hope to be treated […]

 John O' Gorman

Sellers Are from Mars and Buyers Are from Venus, Right?

Sellers Are from Mars and Buyers Are from Venus, Right?

We are continually moving between the buyer and seller side of the table in order to understand the requirements of both sides as they evolve. Indeed, a constant theme of our presentations, talks and articles, is the great irony that sales success requires a greater focus on the buying, as opposed to the selling. After […]

 John O' Gorman

The Buyer Angle: What Makes a Good Supplier?

The Buyer Angle: What Makes a Good Supplier?

What makes a good supplier? Well, who better to ask than the buyer, or those who have written the bible of buying for UK Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply. Here are the answers: · Delivers on time · Provides consistent quality · Gives a good price · Has a stable background · Provides good […]

 John O' Gorman

Think Cost of Buying, Not Cost of Selling!

Think Cost of Buying, Not Cost of Selling!

The cost of selling to an organization is only a fraction of the cost of that organisation’s buying decision. For example where a major buying decision involves 3 competing suppliers, the time that the seller spends with the buyer has to be multiplied by 3, with the buyer allocating time to each of the suppliers […]

 John O' Gorman

Do you Understand The Complicating Factors?

Do you Understand The Complicating Factors?

There is a word we find ourselves using more and more in respect of managing sales cycles and that seems to keep coming up again in reviewing pipeline opportunities and accounts. That is COMPLICATING FACTORS. When it comes to the complex sale, things are never straightforward. There are certain to be complicating factors. Understanding what […]

 John O' Gorman

When Big Companies Buy: The Sophistication of Buying Revealed

When Big Companies Buy: The Sophistication of Buying Revealed

Organisations are increasingly organized, structured and careful in terms of how they buy. As salespeople we know this to be true. Yet, it is easy to underestimate just how sophisticated many buyers have become. Let us take the example of the buying process for major IT purchases in a large telco (as shown in the […]

 John O' Gorman

Buyers Are Doing it For Themselves

Buyers Are Doing it For Themselves

To borrow from the lyrics of the popular song ‘buyers are doing it for themselves.’ They are ”standing on their own two feet and…’ identifying their requirements, defining the solution, writing the specification and building the business case. All this often takes place before they ever meet a vendor! This leaves the salesperson looking for a […]

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision