Ray Collis

Buyer OCD: The Obsession With Lowest Price

Buyer OCD: The Obsession With Lowest Price

More and more buyers are being diagnosed with Price OCD, or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is causing increased anxiety even frustration among salespeople. Buyer OCD is a diagnosis offered by salespeople who are witnessing first hand the ongoing buyer obsession with price and the compulsive; price checking, competitive tendering and price re-negotiation, that accompanies it. […]

 John O' Gorman

The Buyer Angle: What Makes a Good Supplier?

The Buyer Angle: What Makes a Good Supplier?

What makes a good supplier? Well, who better to ask than the buyer, or those who have written the bible of buying for UK Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply. Here are the answers: · Delivers on time · Provides consistent quality · Gives a good price · Has a stable background · Provides good […]

 John O' Gorman

From Sales Person to Trusted Advisor – Making The Transition

From Sales Person to Trusted Advisor – Making The Transition

Wouldn’t your job be a lot easier if your customers and prospects saw you as a trusted advisor, rather than a salesperson? Well if the answer is ‘yes’ then ‘Trust-Based Selling by Charles H. Green’s is a must read. Do Buyers Trust Salespeople? The reality is that the words ‘sales’ and ‘trust’ are rarely used […]

 John O' Gorman

9 things unforgiving buyers don’t like

9 things unforgiving buyers don’t like

Buyers have heard it all before, which makes them a little more demanding. In short they are less forgiving when salespeople make any of the following mistakes: Not knowing enough about your own products, or the customer’s industry. The number one complaint of buyers is a lack of product knowledge on the part of sales […]

 John O' Gorman

How Misreading the Buying Decision Could Cost You the Sale

How Misreading the Buying Decision Could Cost You the Sale

Key lessons from Neil Rackham’s ‘Major Account Sales Strategy’ ‘Major Account Sales Strategy’ by Neil Rackham’s is a bible for the savvy sales professional. It is as relevant today as when it was first published in 1989. So, we dusted it off and pulled out its key points. The key message of this ground-breaking book […]

 Ray Collis

How to Maximise the Success of Your Sales Calls

How to Maximise the Success of Your Sales Calls

In the present environment, salespeople are delighted with the opportunity to meet with anybody who expresses an interest. But, what exactly is the purpose of that first meeting and how to maximise its success? For example, how speedily can you qualify the opportunity? To help you we have pulled some of the key points from […]

 Ray Collis

SELLING IS DEAD: Moving Beyond Traditional Roles and Practices to Revitalise Growth

SELLING IS DEAD: Moving Beyond Traditional Roles and Practices to Revitalise Growth

The good news is that the market for your solution is much bigger than you think it is. The bad news is that you need a completely new way of selling in order to capitalize on it. This is the message of ‘Selling is Dead’ by Marc T Miller and Jason Sinkovitz. From time to […]

 John O' Gorman

9 things unforgiving buyers don’t like

9 things unforgiving buyers don’t like

  Buyers have heard it all before, which makes them a little more demanding. In short they are less forgiving when salespeople make any of the following mistakes:   Not knowing enough about your own products, or the customer’s industry. The number one complaint of buyers is a lack of product knowledge on the part […]

 John O' Gorman

How to Maximise the Success of Your Sales Calls

How to Maximise the Success of Your Sales Calls

In the present environment, salespeople are delighted with the opportunity to meet with anybody who expresses an interest. But, what exactly is the purpose of that first meeting and how to maximise its success? For example, how speedily can you qualify the opportunity? To help you we have pulled some of the key points from […]

 Ray Collis

Great News! The Era of the Sales Pitch is over!

Great News! The Era of the Sales Pitch is over!

Buyers and sellers alike are breathing a sigh of relief as the era of the sales pitch comes to a end. Evidence of the decline can be seen in the growing preference for conversations over presentations as sales people seek to truly engage with potential customers. Don’t Pitch Unless Your Customer is Ready! The sales […]

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Who makes the buying decision