John O' Gorman

For Buyers Everyday is Independence Day

For Buyers Everyday is Independence Day

The surprising benefits of losing control to the buyer

Buyers have discovered a new degree of freedom and control and they are guarding it jealously. However, research suggests that sellers may well benefit from thinking they can control the buyer.

 Ray Collis

Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Don’t get paralyzed by the buyer’s process. Don’t let it stop you selling. Even if your selling is limited to submitting a tender response, with little interaction with the buyer in advance, don’t cast aside the basics of either solution selling or relationship selling.

 Ray Collis

Sales Hopscotch: Turning Buying Process To Your Advantage

Sales Hopscotch: Turning Buying Process To Your Advantage

Buying has become increasing structured and process-driven. The steps in the buyer’s process therefore have a major bearing on the speed and indeed the success of the sale.
But adopting a less rigid view of buying process is important if the salesperson is to do his, or her job well. It requires adopting a non-linear view of the sales process, or what we like to call sales hopscotch.

 John O' Gorman

Auctions: The Rise Of ‘A’ Word In Buying

Auctions: The Rise Of ‘A’ Word In Buying

The rise of the ‘A-word’ in modern buying is causing alarm among sellers. The word is of course Auctions, or to be more precise Reverse Auctions. In this insight we will examine the rise in reverse auctions and assess the implications for your business. The ‘A-Word’ In Selling Some people get excited about the rise […]

 Ray Collis

Sellers Beware: The Project Behind The Purchase

Sellers Beware:  The Project Behind The Purchase

Behind many big purchases is a project. Indeed the purchase itself may be a project, with a set of steps, a project team, project milestones and so on. Adopting the project perspective on the sale is important from the perspective of qualifying and closing the sale.

 Ray Collis

Selling To Busy Buyers: What’s Your Decision Simplification Strategy?

Selling To Busy Buyers:  What’s Your Decision Simplification Strategy?

Research into the science of decision making tells us that customers often simplify the basis on which buying decision are made. It is important for the seller to understand the buyer’s decision simplification strategy and to tailor their proposition accordingly.

 John O' Gorman

Is Relationship Selling Under Attack?

Is Relationship Selling Under Attack?

Relationships are an essential ingredient of successful selling. But will your relationship survive a change in the customers strategy, increasing budgetary pressures or the involvement of procurement? In this insight we examine the challenges to relationship selling and how they can be met.

 John O' Gorman

How High Can You Climb To Communicate Your Value?

How High Can You Climb To Communicate Your Value?

You want to be thought of by your organization and more specifically the purchase of your solution to be considered important by the customer. You want it to matter – you want it to be seen as ‘strategic’. But when it comes to buying decisions, what is strategy and how can you connect with it?

 Ray Collis

The Perfect Storm: 8 Trends That Will Rock Your World

The Perfect Storm: 8 Trends That Will Rock Your World

How organizations buy is changing – we all know that. But as a seller how to know exactly what is on the horizon in your key customer, or prospects? In this insight we will examine the key procurement related changes that will rock your world and help you predict when they will happen.

 John O' Gorman

Staple Yourself To Their Order

Staple Yourself To Their Order

Are there opportunities to optimize how your customers interact with your solution from the moment of purchase to the point of payment? To find out ‘staple yourself to the order’.

 Ray Collis

So You Think You Know The Customer’s Buying Process?

So You Think You Know The Customer’s Buying Process?

Sellers are naturally focused on the purchase order. However, in winning the sale it is important to look beyond the buying decision to see the customer’s broader business and procurement goals.

The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision