Buying Process

The steps required for a purchase to be sanctioned

 Ray Collis

The Ultimate ‘NO’ and How to Overcome It

The Ultimate ‘NO’ and How to Overcome It

Few people would accuse those in procurement roles as being ‘yes men’. But perhaps a direct ‘no’ is less common than people think. Those in procurement and finance have found a more effective way of stopping buyers (and those who want to sell to them) in their tracks. It is to ask for a cost-benefit […]

 Ray Collis

How Soon Can You Really Get Them ‘Across The Line’?

How Soon Can You Really Get Them ‘Across The Line’?

Buying decisions are often a lot more complex than sellers realize.  They can involve up to 5 stages – many of which do not involve the salesperson.  That has real implications for getting the deal across the line.

 Ray Collis

7 Strategies To Prevent Delays In Getting The Customer’s Purchase Order

7 Strategies To Prevent Delays In Getting The Customer’s Purchase Order

Successfully Navigating The Procurement (PO) Maze

Closing the sale and getting the Purchase Order no longer go hand in hand.  In many buying organizations a new level of bureaucracy and administration has grown around what was once just an administrative formality.  Getting the PO is no longer a straight-forward matter – for the unprepared seller can be a costly maze.   […]

 John O' Gorman

The Perils Of Misreading The Buying Process

The Perils Of Misreading The Buying Process

Misreading the buying process is easy for sellers to do, but it can be costly. It happens because of gaps in the seller’s knowledge of the steps, paperwork, review points, information requirements and so on.

 Ray Collis

Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Sellers: Don’t Wimp Out Because Of Their Process!

Don’t get paralyzed by the buyer’s process. Don’t let it stop you selling. Even if your selling is limited to submitting a tender response, with little interaction with the buyer in advance, don’t cast aside the basics of either solution selling or relationship selling.

 Ray Collis

Sales Hopscotch: Turning Buying Process To Your Advantage

Sales Hopscotch: Turning Buying Process To Your Advantage

Buying has become increasing structured and process-driven. The steps in the buyer’s process therefore have a major bearing on the speed and indeed the success of the sale.
But adopting a less rigid view of buying process is important if the salesperson is to do his, or her job well. It requires adopting a non-linear view of the sales process, or what we like to call sales hopscotch.

 John O' Gorman

What Are The Buyer’s Next Steps?

What Are The Buyer’s Next Steps?

Imagine if you could predict what the buyer was going to do next. Well you can! That is if you understand your customer’s buying process and the standard steps that are typically involved.

 Ray Collis

Sellers Beware: The Project Behind The Purchase

Sellers Beware:  The Project Behind The Purchase

Behind many big purchases is a project. Indeed the purchase itself may be a project, with a set of steps, a project team, project milestones and so on. Adopting the project perspective on the sale is important from the perspective of qualifying and closing the sale.

 John O' Gorman

Staple Yourself To Their Order

Staple Yourself To Their Order

Are there opportunities to optimize how your customers interact with your solution from the moment of purchase to the point of payment? To find out ‘staple yourself to the order’.

 Ray Collis

So You Think You Know The Customer’s Buying Process?

So You Think You Know The Customer’s Buying Process?

Sellers are naturally focused on the purchase order. However, in winning the sale it is important to look beyond the buying decision to see the customer’s broader business and procurement goals.

 Ray Collis

Finding Your Hidden Sources Of Value

Finding Your Hidden Sources Of Value

There may be unrealized opportunities for your solution to deliver even greater value to the customer. This insight provides a methodology to uncover your hidden sources of value.

 John O' Gorman

Why BANT Is Not Enough!

Why BANT Is Not Enough!

The VP of Sales had just taken to the stage. With his opening remark my jaw dropped. ‘BANT is no longer enough’ he proclaimed.

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The latest research on how buyers buy
Who makes the buying decision